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Flowing and Open

Be sure to keep an open space in your booth. The key to gaining your audience’s trust and willingness to listen to you for even a second is their comfort level. That one crucial second is all you essentially need to deliver your message. Always keep your front to the customers and never turn on back towards them, maintain a high level of approachability to secure a high rate of audience inquiry. Make sure your audience is comfortable in entering your space and comfortable enough to stay.


A lot of times, we see booths that look like they were assembled from pieces that just don’t go together. Professionalism is crucial to your company’s first impression and its lasting memory in your potential customer’s minds. This is why cheaping out on your displays and hardware is definitely not something you’d want to do. Having the right selection of hardware such as these (link to trade show package) to create a consistent well-themed company image is key to any trade show success.


The perfect sign would be one that catches the attention of the audience, explains to them what your company does, and then makes them WANT to learn more. Make sure your sign is vibrant enough in terms of colour and design but not too much to complicate your message.

Stunning Graphics

Trade Shows are all about visuals, it’s why you are there. Having stunning graphics is very important in attracting potential customers to your booth. Stunning graphics can stop people, and you only need to stop them for a couple seconds so that you and your staff can make your moves.

Location, Location, LOCATION

The location of your booth during the show is vital to the number of people you can attract. Here are some unanimously agreed locations that are said to drive up traffic for booth vendors:

The Entrance

The entrance is the one place in the entire show where everyone has to go through. Having your booth at the entrance guarantees it to be seen by 100% of the visitors. The benefits of this would be that your company is automatically granted the first step into the minds of every single person present.... but wait, we’re not done yet. Just because the audience is forced to see your company doesn’t mean they automatically translate to leads. Having attractive displays and hardware to draw your audience to your booth is still in your responsibility and that is still a job to be done. Hardware such as these and attractive graphics will be what you need to get this job done!

Close to the Washroom

Another location that would guarantee high volume of traffic would be right by the washrooms. This is a biological need that every single person has. It may sound comical but placing your booth near the washroom would have a huge effect on the number of people that notice your booth and company. Just be sure to take advantage of the traffic that you’re gaining and not standing around waiting for people to come. The first contact MUST ALWAYS be made by your staff.

Right-Handed Rule

This following tip is concluded from simple observation. It is said that people, whether left or right-handed, always tend to look to the right side first when in “shopping mode”. It is for this reason that people say most of the action during a trade show takes place on the right side of the entire exhibition space. Take advantage of this tip and try your best to land a spot on the right side of the main entrance at your next trade show.

Triangle Line of Sight

The last interesting theory is said to have scientific research backing it up, so keep this one in mind. We call it the “Triangle Line of Sight”. The idea behind this is that the line of vision for humans is as seen in the picture. People tend to scan and travel in the shape of the light part of the image. Anywhere in the light is considered a good spot, and nothing much really happens in the dark spots. So next time you choose a booth location, take this theory into consideration.